Veolia Water France supports its customers, local authorities and businesses, in the management of the water cycle (drinking water supply and sanitation), waste management and energy management.

The context

Veolia Water France is changing its posture around new values more in line with the needs of communities and is transformed around a new corporate culture.

“"We would have never dared to make this strategic choice of a serious game to deploy our new corporate culture without Spring Lab! The team provided us with all of its expertise to provide a real immersive experience."”
Marion Carli
Performance and Sales Manager

The problem

How to spread the new "Public Service Contract" posture among all Veolia Water France employees and change the corporate culture accordingly?
How to ease the adoption of these new orientations by the collaborators?
How can they best apprehend them, to be able, in turn, to implement them in the territories?

Our mission


To carry out a strategic thinking to define the new commercial culture and to identify the best diffusion vectors which ultimately was the design of a dedicated serious game.


Designing and developing the serious game concept 'L'Odyssée CSP" , mirroring Veolia Water France's new posture, the game storytelling, challenges, educational content, tools (game briefcase, card games, digital courses etc ...) communication tools, roll out of the event and the overall gaming experience.


Animate the first pilot to validate the concept, fine-tune the tools and increase the animation skills of the team carrying the new corporate culture.

What has changed for VEOLIA ODYSÉE CSP

A new posture, embodiment of the new values brought by Veolia Water France

Ambassadors trained, equipped and committed to guarantee a strong impact on the territories

A turnkey serious game ready to be deployed in all 66 territories to over 1,000 employees

Its diffusion through a serious game to ease the engagement, adoption and appropriation of employees
